Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Tooth Fairy

This past week G.G. lost her first tooth. So, we put in under her pillow that night, as every child does when they loose their tooth. The next morning she came to wake me up to tell me that the tooth fairy did not come last night... OOPPSS Big mistake. I told her that maybe the Tooth Fairy had a busy night and did not have enough room in her bag for her tooth or maybe since she lost it late in the day that she did not get the memo that G.G. lost her tooth. SO... How awful could I possible feel that day. So we left it under her pillow for the Tooth Fairy to come the next night. She did come and this is the conversation that we had upon waking me to tell me.

Mommy- sound asleep feels a slap on the head. Eyes slightly open turns to see what has hit me and I see a little girl standing there holding two $1 in her hand.
G.G.- "The Tooth Fairy came!!"
Mommy- "I see. How much did she give you?"
G.G.- 'Two dollars."
Mommy- "Ok, I think that you should put it in your wallet so we don't loose it."
G.G.- "Ok. I am ready for some cereal."

So we get up and we continue the conversation.

Mommy- "Wow, she brought you $2?"
G.G.- "Yeah. I think I know why."
Mommy- "Why?"
G.G.- "Cause she missed me the other night. So she gave me $2 cause she gives the other kids $1."

Daddy gets up and calls out to her.
Daddy- "Did the Tooth Fairy come last night?"
G.G. "Yeah."
Daddy- "How much did she give you?"
G.G.- "two dollars."
Daddy- "Wow."
Mommy- "Tell Daddy why you think that she left you that much."
G.G.- "Because she missed me the other night and so she left me $2 cause she left the other kids maybe, $3 or $4 or $5s."
Mommy-I don't think that she gave the other kids that much. I think that cause she missed you the first night he gave you $2."
Daddy- "I don't think that she missed you the first night. I think that her bag was so full that she could not put one more tooth in it or it would break."
G.G.- "Yeah you are probably right."
Mommy- "what do you think that she does with all those teeth?" trying to get her to say something silly...
G.G.- "I don't know."

So while I did not get a very creative answer with what she does with the teeth I did cover the Tooth Fairy's butt. I think that she may owe me one. A little girl was not upset and pretty excited to find $2 under pillow the next morning.
Lesson learned

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