Saturday, August 27, 2011

Story telling

G.G. spent two days and one night with her grandparents and cousins. I met them to pick her up and bring her home. So, on the way home I asked her what she had to do while she was there. She starts talking and shares with me what she did. I ask a few questions and she answers them for me. Then she says...

G.G. "Before we went to bed we were downstairs and E felt something fly over her head. So we hid behind a basket while J went and got Mum and Poppi. You know what it was?
Mom "What was it?"
G.G. "A bat! Have we ever had a bat in our house?"
Mom "Really a bat. Did Poppi get it out? No we have not had a bat in the house while we have lived there. There was one in the house once when Aunt Becky was watching E & J and Granny was there too."

So we continue having our conversation on the way home. She tells me that Poppi did get the bat out of the house. Then I asked her how her ride was with Poppi to the house.

G.G. "It was good. He kept asking me if I was ok."

So she keeps telling me all sorts of things. We get home and I tell her to tell Dad about the bat and she does. I then tell her that she is just full of it tonight. What was her response...

G.G. with her hands on her hips states "Not about the bat story."