Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So last night I had spent sometime alone with my daughter and then when I returned home I took my son out to get a Frosty from Wendy's. Our boxer, Lucy, sat there whining as we were getting ready to leave so we took her with us. I decided to stop at the Dunkin Donuts drive through to see if they still had munchkins left. This was all about 9:30 at night.
So I pull up to the intercom

Me: "Do you have any plain munchkins?"
Employee: "No."
Me: "Do you have any munchkins?"
Employee: "NO, it's to late for munchkins." this is said with an attitude.

For real, did she really just say that to me?? I looked at my son and said "NO it's to late for munchkins."

So I got Lucy a plain donut, which she really loved! But I could not believe she said that to me. I wanted to reply "Well then it is too late for coffee." but I behaved and did not say anything. Why was it so hard to believe that there might be a few munchkins left?

So the moral of this story, If you want munchkins do not go to Dunkin Donuts at night they will not have them, and you might get a very rude response like "How could you possible think that we would still have munchkins."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Waterfalls and Frogs

My nephew is staying with us for the week, so I thought that I would take the 3 kids to a local hotel that has a waterfall trail at it. However when we got there the waterfalls were not flowing at all, the lack of rain would explain that. (not clear thinking on my part.) So we decided to walk the "falls" anyway. Along the way my daughter states that she hopes she finds a frog, and low and behold she does. She was so excited and carried it in her hands for some time. Explaining how she wished she had brought something with her so that she could bring the frog home.
I explained to her that she needed to let the frog go, and finally she gave in and let the frog go. We walked on for a little bit farther and then turned around and headed back. On our way back she was trying to remember where we let the frog go. All the while saying "Oh, I think that we let him go here. or maybe down there."

G.G.- "Mommy, I named my frog."
Mommy- "Oh, yeah. What did you name him?"
G.G.- "Cutie."
Mommy- "Was it a boy or a girl?"
G.G.- "A boy."
Mommy- "Ok.'
G.G.- "I will always have my frog because I am keeping him in my heart."
Mommy- "That is a good idea."
G.G.- "Yep, he is in my heart jumping around."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A little bit of Warewolf...

"I would love to go out at night, like when I wake up at 2 in the morning and have a cup of tea, with a flashlight and just howl. Especially on a full moon because I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up."

and then she throws this statement in there too...

"Especially because the guy next door has been warned to stop throwing his clothes in my yard."


The things that you hear when you are only half listening-

"Have you been drinking?"
"Me! Oh, NO!"
"So, you just smell like it by association?"

"My body hurts so bad you would think that I was hanging from the ceiling fan all night."

A friends granddaughter does not like ants so while sitting on the porch with her one day she says-
"Look at that big ant."
Bare foot the granddaughter goes over and steps on it and says
"Ohhh, looks like you gotta go to the doctors."
For someone who is afraid of ants it did not bother her to step on the ant and have it all squished between her toes.