Saturday, October 1, 2011

Big words for a big girl

Since school has started this year I have noticed some big words coming out of G.G.'s mouth and she is using them in the correct context. Here are a few examples.

Mommy "Where is your brother?"
G.G. "I don't know, personally."

The day that school started here we were hit with a HUGE flood (9/7/11) and we had just had one in 2006. Alot of the same areas where hit again as well as a lot of other areas. Alot of these areas that were hit, people have lost everything. This includes a lot of stores in our area. One of them was Petco. The area that they are in was being evacuated and apparently none of the employees attempted to get there and get the animals out. They tried to blame it on the city that they are located in that they did not know the store was going to flood that bad and that the area was being evacuated. There was a big article in the local paper stating that about 100 animals did die but about the same amount were still alive. They do not sell dogs or cats but they do host cats from our local Humane Society. They also do dog grooming and I had heard that there were some peoples dogs still there when all this happened. (You can read the articles and search Petco.)

So back to G.G.'s story. We were in the car and G.G. and her friend were talking. I could finally hear the conversation and they were talking about Petco.

G.G. "... and I know definitely the workers could have gone there and saved all the animals!"

My son and I are in the front seats and trying so hard not to laugh, because it was so cute and it was said with such compassion.

She then starts in with this conversation...

G.G. "Like ten years ago (and in my head I am thinking, you were not alive 10 years ago where is that statement going.) there were 3 airplanes and the crashed into 3 buildings and a lot of people died."

While this little lines by a 6 year old are not really funny that are absolutely amazing. It shocks me how much she is paying attention and how much she is absorbing and remembering to have opinions about.

Where do these things come from?

Here is another G.G. story...

She got a birthday card in the mail the other day from my best friend, M. In the card she sent her some cash. So, we were at the store that night and she picked out a toy that she wanted. It was a little doll. We are driving along and she says:

G.G. "Oh, man she doesn't have any earrin-, oh wait she does."
Mommy "Are they painted on?"
G.G. "No, they are like my Barbie's earrings."
Mommy "Ok, don't take them out ok. Can I see her?"
G.G. "Ok, here she is."
So, she passes her to me as I am driving. I take the doll and look at her and realize that this doll does not have earrings.
G.G. "Haha! I tricked you and you fell for it!!"

Really where does a first grader get these things from