Friday, September 16, 2011

Fantasy World?

I know a few gum chewers and we enjoy trying out new flavors. Ziggy is one to always show up with some new flavors. So, today while telling us about a new apple flavor gum she found this is what she had to say about it.

"Gum now doesn't keep it's flavor. I want some Willy Wonka gum, that you can put on your night stand and chew for weeks and it does not loose it's flavor. But I live in a fantasy world. I also want likable wallpaper."

Let's hear it for the women who never grow up, ha ha guys we can be young at heart too. Now go out and watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the original or the new one!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Only if it were that easy...

For the past week, due to the massive flooding in our area, we have been staying with a family member. My husband who is a smoker has been taking advantage of the fact that she allows smoking in her home, which I do not. My daughter is always on his case to quite smoking and even more so now with his smoking more noticeable.
Cleaning up the kitchen after dinner last night, she comes out to me with her pointer and her thumb pinched together.

Mommy- "What do you have in your fingers?"
G.G.- "Daddy's cigarette?"
Mommy- I am looking at her fingers starting to freak out and start to ask her why do you have daddy's cigarette, when I realize there is nothing in her fingers. So then I say...
"There is nothing in your fingers."
G.G.- "No there is. Daddy has this button in his brain, I reached in and pulled out the cigarette. This way he won't want to have them again." She then walks to the garbage can and "throws it away."

I was just amazed that my 6 year old came up with this thought. If only every bad habit and thought were that easy to remove from your brain